Our juicy strawberries are harvested from very early morning and put to the cold store to stay fresh and tasty. Great, tried varieties is our key to success.
In our farm, we highly value natural pollination with bumblebees to the fruits, improving their quality and quantity. Green solutions are more and more appreciated by customers.
Zero herbicides policy!
We use only natural biological control against most diseases and pests. Ask your current suppliers about it, very likely they are not able to cope with such rules.
Our farm is granted by a GLOBALGAP Certificate which guarantees safe food production, including by minimizing the use of fertilizers and plant protection products.
To assure high standards our farm is under continuous surveillance of Main Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection.
Our entire production is grown exclusively in the greenhouses, so we have 100% control over the quality. We are truly proud of our strawberries.
Do you have questions? Contact us now!